Ben Madden is the Chief Technology Officer for Hycap, joining in February, 2023. Prior to joining Hycap, Ben was a co-founder of Element Energy which he started in 2003 and grew into a 100 person consultancy operating across the low carbon energy sector.
At Element Energy, Ben was focussed on the initiation of hydrogen projects of progressively increasing scale. The work included developing new project concepts, building multi-national coalitions to deliver projects, acquisition of public and private funding, development of viable business models and the initial engineering and procurement activities to deploy the projects. In this role, Ben has helped deliver many of the largest hydrogen projects which are currently operating around the world and also worked on some of the largest projects in build. Projects have included: large scale hydrogen production projects, vehicle deployments (bus, car, truck) and hydrogen infrastructure deployments. The experience and knowledge gained on these projects will be invaluable to the CTO role at Hycap.
Ben has a First class MA in Natural Sciences (Physics) from University of Cambridge and a Distinction MEng in Oceanography from University of Southampton.